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Kerala panel’s 2-child norm idea ridiculous: Azad

-The Indian Express   Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Tuesday termed the suggestion to deny privileges to those families in Kerala who do not follow the two-child norm as “ridiculous”, saying the states cannot provide benefits on the basis of the number of children that a family has. “It (the recommendation) is not being implemented anywhere. Anybody can say anything but the state will not provide on the basis of the...

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Decadal journeys: debt and despair spur urban growth by P Sainath

The re-classification of villages and towns, and the changes this brings to the nation's rural-urban profile, happens every decade. Yet only Census 2011 shows us a huge turnaround, with urban India adding more people (91 million) than rural India (90.6 million) for the first time in 90 years. Clearly, something huge has happened in the last 10 years that drives those numbers. And that is: huge, uncharted migrations of people...

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Shailesh Gandhi, Information Commissioner interviewed by Priyanka

Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi sold off his business in 2003 to do something relevant. The Indian Institute of Technology-Mumbai alumnus soon became a prolific user of the Right To Information Act and filed more than 800 RTI applications. He was appointed the Information Commissioner at the Central Information Commission, New Delhi, in 2008. In this freewheeling interview with's Priyanka, Gandhi says that appellants must understand that law describes 'information' as something...

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77 babies die of hunger every day in Maharashtra by Yogesh Pawar

According to the Maharashtra government's own figures, 18,486 children in the age group of 0-6 years have died of malnutrition this year alone (Jan-August 2011). The figure is quite high, say health ministry sources. In 2010, 12,792 children had died of hunger and malnutrition during the same period. But this year, 5,694 more babies than last year have starved to death. Most of the dead babies are adivasi children. The...

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State frames regulations for implementation of RTE Act by Swati Shinde Gole

The state government has defined regulations for the implementation of the Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, in all schools in the state. After a cabinet decision earlier this month, the state government had decided to extend primary education up to std VIII, to allow 25 per cent students from economically backward class in to private schools, etc. Minister of school education, Rajendra Darda, said, "The rules have...

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