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Food Bill skips malnutrition, anaemia as ministries differ by Sreelatha Menon

The Food Security Bill, approved by a group of ministers this month, has ignored malnutrition as a subject, surprising many observers in UN bodies. The reason given is a turf war among different central ministries. According to N C Saxena, a member of the National Advisory Council that has opposed the government’s draft of the Bill, the women and child development ministry was against including the subject in the Bill as...

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'RTI Act hasn't improved governance' by Vivek Sabnis

According to a Research undertaken by a PhD student, the RTI Act has not helped improve governance. Saharsh Yadav (27), who is working on a thesis on Implementation and Impact of Right to Information Act on governance, said the outcome of the Act was not as expected. "We are yet to taste the fruits of this act," said Yadav, who has completed his master's degree on public administration from Vikram University,...

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In 10 years, urban Indian women's average income doubles by Samidha Sharma & Namrata Singh

Reinforcing the growing financial independence of women in India, a survey says the income level of urban Indian women has doubled in the last decade. This increase has also led to the average urban household income doubling, according to a study by market Research firm IMRB. The urban Indian woman who earned Rs 4,492 per month in 2001 was taking home as much as Rs 9,457 as of 2010. The rise...

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Indians are a depressed lot: Report by Kounteya Sinha

Indians are among the world's most depressed. According to a World Health Organization-sponsored study, while around 9% of people in India reported having an extended period of depression within their lifetime, nearly 36% suffered from what is called Major Depressive Episode (MDE). MDE is characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration, besides feeling depressed. Lowest prevalence...

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Cotton saga unravels by Latha Jishnu

Flat yields for five years and rising insecticide use are jeopardising the success of Bt cotton technology Cotton has been the biggest success story in Indian agriculture since the Green Revolution. In a country struggling with stagnant yields in most crops, cotton has been the one bright spot. Production has soared from 13.6 million bales (each bale is 170 kg) in 2002-03 to 31.2 million bales in 2010-11—a figure that catapulted...

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