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The next farm downtrend -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express It's likely that India's crop production this year will be lower compared to 2013-14, given deficient rains both in the southwest (June-September) and northeast (October-December) monsoons impacting kharif as well as rabi plantings. But that by itself needn't be cause for concern. We have seen one-off farm output declines even in 2009-10, 2004-05 and 2002-03, which were also drought years. What should worry us more, instead, is the...

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Into the abyss? -Jitendra

-Down to Earth The situation of India's Farmers has only become grimmer in the past decade, according to the latest National Sample Survey Office report The lot of the embattled Indian Farmer only keeps on getting worse with the passage of time. In the last 10 years, the voluminous debt of Indian agricultural households has increased almost four-fold whereas their undersized monthly income from cultivation has increased three-fold. Even the number of...

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When amendment amounts to nullification -Ramaswamy R Iyer

-The Hindu Given industry concerns and the desire to accelerate industrialisation, the government could have reopened the debate on the land act. Instead, it has wholly accepted one perception of the conflict, and sought to undo the compromise embodied in the 2013 Act without a review This article will not go into the question of the propriety of the ordinance route to legislation in this case, but will try to present a...

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Sankranti fervour missing in riverfront villages -P Samuel Jonathan

-The Hindu They are gripped by fear of losing valuable lands, say villagers PENUMAKA (GUNTUR District/ Karnataka): The colourful rangoli patterns are missing, there is no smell of delicacies in their houses and the warmth and bonhomie which one sees on the eve of harvest festival are missing in villages resisting land-pooling. For families, living on fertile lands, tilling them and selling the produce at Vijayawada and other towns has been a way...

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Cash transfers, the lazy short cut -Mihir Shah

-The Hindu Alleviating poverty in India requires not only cash transfers but also other enabling changes Advocates of unconditional cash transfers claim that they can be both emancipatory and transformative. They argue that people are quite capable of making rational decisions. And that this kind of basic income support can improve their lives. I have no quarrel with the claim that we must trust the poor. Such suspicion is part of an elite...

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