-PTI The CAG probing the NRHM scam in Uttar Pradesh has found anomalies in spending of around Rs 5,000 crore under the scheme in about two dozen districts of the state. The state health department failed to give proper details of spendings worth around Rs 5,000 crore of the Rs 8,657 crore given to the state, \highly placed sources said. The Comptroller and Auditor General submitted a report on its findings to the...
Report unveils poison rivers by Suman K Shrivastava
A first-ever water pollution audit carried out by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has pegged Jharkhand at the bottom of the performance chart with most river conservation projects lying incomplete in the state. According to the report, Performance Audit of Water Pollution in India, the Ganga, Damodar and Subernarekha were selected for pollution abatement projects in Jharkhand under the National River Conservation Programme (NRCP), which was launched in 1995. As part...
More »Prashant Bhushan, Senior Advocate and member of Team Anna interviewed by V Venkatesan
PRASHANT BHUSHAN, a member of Team Anna and a Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court, has been a vociferous critic of the government's Lokpal Bill at every stage. He answers, in an interview to Frontline, questions raised by Members of Parliament during the recent debate on the Lokpal Bill in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha and enunciates the challenges ahead of the movement for an effective Lokpal. Excerpts: The government's...
More »The saga of the Lokpal Bill by Prashant Bhushan
The drama in the Rajya Sabha showed that the UPA government was not willing to go even by the will of Parliament. This gives rise to fundamental questions about the functioning of Indian democracy. The year 2011 will be remembered in India as the year of the campaign against corruption and for the Jan Lokpal Bill. The campaign began in January 2011 in the backdrop of the publicity that accompanied the...
More »CAG critical of tribal funds diversion
-Express News Service Diversion of huge funds from tribal area sub-plan (TASP) provisions for implementation of projects in other areas has been opposed by the Opposition political parties. The issue was also raised several times by tribal legislators cutting across party lines in different sessions of the Assembly. The Comptroller and Audit General (CAG) has taken exception to large-scale diversion of funds from the TASP to other projects in its latest report...
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