lain RTI activist Amit Jethava’s father, Bhikha, has claimed that a whopping Rs 1 crore, and not Rs 15 lakh as is being stated, was passed for the contract killing of his son. He alleged that the amount was raised by Junagadh BJP MP Dinesh Solanki from various illegal miners on the pretext of fighting the Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by Amit in the Gujarat High Court against the illegal...
SC gags media on cases under probe by Dhananjay Mahapatra
It is potentially a game-changer so far as rules of media reporting are concerned. The Supreme Court on Monday virtually slapped a ban on source-based news stories in matters under investigation, in an order which can alter the journalism landscape. The provocation for the severe order, already being seen as a gag order, was violation of the apex court's two-year-old ruling asking newspapers and TV channels to exercise restraint in...
More »RTI activists facing threat, admits govt by Mayank Aggarwal
The Centre admitted on Thursday that people trying to expose corruption with the help of the Right to Information (RTI) Act were facing harassment. In response to a query whether the government knew about increasing threats to people using RTI against corruption, minister of state in the prime minister’s office (PMO), Prithviraj Chavan, told parliament, “Yes, reports have appeared in the media about the threats. The Central Information Commission (CIC) has...
More »Slain activist’s dad points finger at MP
The father of slain RTI activist Amit Jethwa, who was shot dead by two motorcyclists near Gujarat High Court last night, has accused Junagadh MP Dinu Solanki of plotting his son’s murder and demanded a CBI inquiry. Amit, 33, had been running a campaign against illegal mining in the Gir forest that his father claims was controlled by Solanki. “Two years ago, Solanki threatened me on the phone, telling me that he...
More »Nitish under CBI scanner
In a development that promises to snowball into a major election issue for the first time, Patna High Court has ordered a CBI probe against Nitish Kumar and his colleagues for alleged financial irregularities. The high court today ordered investigations into irregularities to the tune of Rs 11,412 crore drawn from state treasuries. The amount was drawn between April 1, 2002, and March 31, 2008, by various state departments to...
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