-Outlook The Supreme Court today said the CBI is free to proceed with its investigation against Anil Kumar, Secretary of an NGO, Telecom Watchdog, for allegedly interfering with the probe in the 2G spectrum case by giving a "virtual clean chit" to former Telecom Minister Dayanidhi Maran. The apex court termed as "highly improper" the conduct of Kumar whose NGO filed a joint petition with others against Maran and subsequently writing a...
Relief for consumers? Government may review cap on subsidised LPG cylinder-Rajeev Jayaswal
-The Economic Times There is a ray of hope for consumers facing difficulties in getting timely delivery of Cooking gas cylinders as the oil ministry may increase the supply of subsidised LPG cylinders and iron out glitches in the supply system to calm tempers ahead of crucial assembly elections. The new oil minister, M Veerappa Moily, discussed the matter with top executives of state oil firms and senior bureaucrats on Tuesday, government...
More »Cap on LPG Cylinders Emerges Major Poll Plank in HP
-Outlook In poll-bound Himachal, where political heat has reached to the maximum in its last leg, the capping on LPG cylinders following a recent order by the Centre has pushed all other issues on the backburner with the ruling BJP banking on it to keep voters away from Congress. "Gas ke chulhe ki mar ya Induction chulhe ka uphar (choice is yours, whether a free induction stove or the pinch of cap...
More »LPG Consumers Can Now Fill KYC Form Till Nov 15
-Outlook The government has extended by 15 days the deadline for filling the Know Your Customer (KYC) form by LPG consumers to November 15. In a nationwide exercise to weed out multiple or ghost connections, the state-owned oil firms had previously asked their domestic Cooking gas (LPG) distributors to collect and verify duly filled KYC forms from the consumers by October 31. "We have now decided to extend the deadline by 15 days...
More »Two kitchens can get you two LPG connections -Piyush Pandey
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Family matters. If you are married and stay with your parents or siblings, you can double the quota of subsidized Cooking gas cylinders to 12 from the government notified cap of 6 in a year. All you have to do is show a separate Cooking platform or kitchen to avail of a second liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) connection. This should come as a big respite for those...
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