The Uttar Pradesh Assembly on Tuesday adopted a resolution that is being seen as an attempt to influence the Lokayukta’s probe into charges of misuse of MLA’s local area development fund by two ministers. Interestingly, the resolution was moved not by the ruling party, but by Pramod Tewari, the leader of the Congress in the Assembly, and it was adopted by voice vote, without even a demand for division. However,...
Budgetary support to Plan spend hiked 18% by Neeraj Thakur
The ministry of finance and the Planing Commission have finally agreed on increasing gross budgetary support by 18% for the terminal year of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2007-2012). GBS is the monetary assistance provided by the Centre to implement schemes in five-year plans. The ministry of finance will allocate around Rs4.41 lakh crore as part of the planned expenditure in the Budget for the next fiscal, compared with an allocation of Rs3.73...
More »Neoliberal illogic by Prabhat Patnaik
The class bias in government policy is clear in the decision to release a small amount of foodgrain in the open market to tackle inflation. MOST people would agree that there is a strong element of speculation underlying the current inflation and that forward trading contributes to it. Yet the government, though it has banned forward trading in certain commodities under public pressure, is curiously reluctant to see this point....
More »Of margins and the marginalised by Jayati Ghosh
The countrywide share of corporate retail in food distribution tripled in the past four years when retail food prices showed the greatest increase. THE dramatic increase in food inflation over the past two years has been associated with several surprises. One major surprise has been how the top economic policymakers in the country have responded to it. The initial response was one of apparent disbelief, followed very quickly by the...
More »Govt explores capping FDI in pharma by CH Unnikrishnan
The Indian government is exploring a proposal to reduce the limit on foreign direct investment (FDI) allowed in the pharmaceutical industry through the automatic route to 49% from 100% amid concerns over the takeover of local drug makers by overseas firms. Officials from the ministry of commerce and industry and the ministry of health have had multiple rounds of discussions on the proposal following a note written to them by the finance...
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