-The Hindu Title holding in-laws refuse to share benefits like Rythu Bandhu Hyderabad: Lakshmi is a woman farmer with a small holding in Gadsingapur village of Pargi mandal in Vikarabad district. She is left with two children, both girls, after her husband committed suicide a few years ago unable to bear the burden of mounting debts. She grew paddy and groundnut in her one acre land for some time, but later has been...
Citing confidentiality, government refuses to share black money details received from Switzerland
-PTI NEW DELHI: The government has declined to share information on black money cases received from Switzerland, citing confidentiality. Replying to an RTI query, the Finance Ministry said India and Switzerland share information on black money on a case to case basis as per the investigations being carried out. It is an ongoing process, it added. "The information shared by Switzerland on black money cases is governed by confidentiality provisions," it said in...
More »Civil society organisations demand respect for farmers' rights by Pepsico
-Press Release by Beej Adhikaar Manch dated 10th May, 2019 Activists point out that this is after all an undertaking given by all applicants to PPV&FR Authority for varietal registration “Government of India should proactively take up measures to uphold farmers’ rights – We will continue our public campaign to secure this” say farmers rights groups Ahmedabad / New Delhi, 10th May 2019: PepsiCo India Holdings Ltd, after having sought and obtained an...
More »Points of law in the PepsiCo-potato case -Biswajit Dhar
-The Hindu Business Line India’s Protection of Plant Varieties Act spells out rights of farmers vis-a-vis breeders, which resulted in a pushback for PepsiCo The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act (PPVFRA), which introduced intellectual property protection in Indian agriculture, faced its biggest test in its implementation phase of nearly a decade and a half, when PepsiCo India initiated legal proceedings against four farmers in Gujarat for “illegally” growing...
More »PepsiCo withdraws cases against two big farmers -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu It had sued them for Rs. 20 lakh PepsiCo has applied to withdraw its cases against two brothers who are major potato farmers and traders in the Banaskantha district of Gujarat. This is the first concrete move taken by the company to back down from its cases against at least nine potato farmers who grew its protected variety used to make Lays chips. PepsiCo’s lawyer filed the application in a Deesa court...
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