-The Hindu Nutrition indicators recorded in real-time are not in the public domain The Ministry of Women and Child Development has spent over ₹1,000 crore on its Poshan or Nutrition Tracker, which records real-time data on malnourished and ‘severe acute malnourished’ children in each anganwadi. But four years since its launch, the Government is yet to make the data public. The Government has spent ₹1,053 crore on the Poshan Tracker or Information Communication...
PepsiCo loses rights to special Lays variety potato in India -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu The company’s registration of the variety has been revoked by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights’ Authority. Two years after PepsiCo India provoked outrage by suing nine Gujarati farmers for allegedly infringing patent rights by growing its registered potato variety, the company’s registration has been revoked by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights’ Authority (PPV&FRA). “This judgement is a historic victory for the farmers of India. It...
More »Define ‘anti-national attitude’: Parliamentary panel
-PTI/ The Hindu The observation was made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Communications and Information Technology, headed by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor A parliamentary panel on Wednesday asked the information and broadcasting Ministry to properly define the term “anti-national attitude” used in the Cable Network Rules, 2014, saying it may be the cause of unnecessary harassment of private channels. In its 27th report on 'Ethical Standards in Media Coverage', the Parliamentary Standing...
More »Did poor government handling in Kerala cause 2018 floods? Yes, says CAG -KA Shaji
-Down to Earth From floodplain identification to flood hazard map to availability of rain gauges, CAG report points out shortcomings in Kerala’s flood response Could poor response on part of the Kerala government have caused the massive floods of 2018 in the state? A recent report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has pointed at severe lapses on the part of the government in planning, capacity building, flood forecasting and dam...
More »Meeting the IMF, RBI forecast of 9.5% GDP growth this year now a challenge, says Dr Rangarajan -E Kumar Sharma
-Financial Express Dr Rangarajan feels that perhaps we may end the year with GDP growth in the region of 7 or 8 per cent. The much awaited news on the second quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers showing a growth of 8.4 percent as compared to 7.4 percent contraction in Q2 2020-21, has come as a dampner. Economists now see serious challenges in India being able to hit the full year GDP...
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