-The Hindu Business Line Launched in February after the BJP’s defeat in three states in the Hindi heartland, the Prime Minister’s ambitious scheme for farmers may help the party in its fight against the SP-BSP gathbandhan in Uttar Pradesh. Ballia, Ghazipur, Jaunpur, Phulpur: Last month, Raj Narayan Rajbhar, a resident of Saimalpur village in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghazipur Lok Sabha constituency, had Rs 2,000 credited to his bank account under the Pradhan...
Researchers explain why VVPAT tally plan is not fool-proof -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph Supreme Court has rejected a review petition by 21 Opposition parties seeking paper slip counts on 50 per cent of VVPAT devices New Delhi: The plan to tally paper slips with the votes registered on 20,625 of the 10.35 lakh electronic machines deployed nationwide cannot guarantee the integrity of the electoral process against targeted tampering or machine malfunction, specialists have said. They have added that different sizes of random counts in...
More »Congress complaint on 'misuse' by PMO: EC seeks Niti Aayog reply -Ritika Chopra
-The Indian Express Last week, the Congress had approached the EC with an allegation that the PMO had used the NITI Aayog to collect information in advance about places where Prime Minister Narendra Modi was set to campaign. New Delhi: The Election Commission of India (EC) has sought NITI Aayog’s comments on the Congress’s allegation that the government policy think-tank was misused by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) for election purposes. A...
More »Polling over, Maharashtra govt scraps subsidy for milk producers
-The Tribune Mumbai: Within days of polling for the Lok Sabha elections coming to an end in Maharashtra, the state government has quietly let a subsidy scheme for dairy farmers lapse. Under a scheme announced in July last year following protests by dairy farmers across the state, the Maharashtra Government announced a subsidy of Rs 5 per litre. Under a plan brokered by the central government, dairies would pay the farmers a...
More »Coaching centres in Uttar Pradesh reveal the growing job crisis in small-town India -Patralekha Chatterjee
-The Hindu The coaching centres reveal the poignant face of the growing job crisis that confronts small-town India Sarkari Naukri. Government job. These are the two words you hear most often inside Aryan Civil Academy. It is one of many coaching centres that dot the Sigra locality of Varanasi. Sigra is not quite a spiritual experience. In fact, its appeal lies in its disarming celebration of everydayness. It is close to markets...
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