When Sujatha’s husband learned that she had conceived just five months after they got married, he became agitated over what he called her "ill-timed pregnancy". To worsen her husband’s anxiety, a test to determine the sex of the foetus showed she was carrying a girl. Sujatha, a public school teacher, and her husband, a civil engineer – who asked that their full names be withheld – are from well-off and educated...
Is black carbon affecting the Asian monsoon? by Navin Singh Khadka
Although a normal monsoon has been forecast for South Asia this year, and rains have begun normally in many parts of the region, people are still anxious about the rainy season that lasts for four months. Their anxiety has to do with the uncertainties surrounding the timing of the monsoon in recent years. While the debate continues over the role of climate change, scientists have also been looking at the possible role...
More »"BRICS Can Ensure Affordable Drugs" by Ranjit Devraj
While ‘data exclusivity’ clauses will not feature in the India-European Union free trade agreement (FTA), the threat posed by the impending deal to the world’s supply of cheap generic drugs is far from over. India’s commerce and industry minister Anand Sharma assured Michel Sidibe, chief of the United Nations joint programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) at a meeting this week that India would reject attempts by pharmaceutical giants to include...
More »Unwatched Watchdog by Sugata Srinivasaraju
A PIL questions the very legitimacy of the IB No whereofs to it? * A PIL filed in and admitted by the Karnataka High Court asks if the IB is “extra-constitutional” * The IB hasn’t been constituted under an Act of Parliament, does not have a charter of duties * The British set it up in 1887 * The court has served notices on the home ministry and the IB *** Is...
More »Forest dept shut out of woods by Vivek Deshpande
Over the last one year, villagers of Ghati in Gadchiroli have kept timber out of the forest department’s reach, saying it belongs to them under the provisions of the FRA, short for Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest-Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act. The FRA recognises their rights only on non-timber minor forest produce but the villagers have interpreted it to include all trees. They say minor forest produces like mahua,...
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