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India's job growth lowest since 2009: Where are the jobs PM Modi? -Sindhu Bhattacharya New Delhi: Job creation has been suffering under the Modi Government and fresh data released by the Labour Bureau shows the extent of worry on this count. So, even as the country’s GDP growth continues to be healthy and predictions of above-average rainfall this year bring some cheer, the bad news on the jobs’ front needs the government’s immediate focus. A jobless growth does not help anyone. As per the...

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The Indian woman who hunts the witch hunters -Soutik Biswas

-BBC Not so long ago, Birubala Rabha believed witches existed. Assam: Growing up, neighbours often told her about evil women, or daini (witches) skulking in the village. Ms Rabha was six when her father died, forcing her to drop out of school to help her mother, a farm worker in India's north-eastern Assam state. She was 15 when she got married to a farmer. Ms Rabha mostly stayed at home, weaving and looking after their...

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Historic data suggests monsoon may be delayed by ten days -Vinson Kurian

-The Hindu Business Line Such delays take place after an El Nino year, which 2015 was Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): The India Meteorological Department (IMD) may have forecast an above-normal monsoon this year, but it is highly probable that its onset over Kerala will be delayed by more than 10 days. There is a lot of physical evidence in support of such a delay this year, says PV Joseph, eminent monsoon researcher and former IMD...

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3 Lakh Dead In 20 Years. Here's How World's Largest Democracy Failed Its Farmers! -Maninder Dabas Since 1995, nearly three lakh farmers have committed suicide owing to agrarian crisis in the country. In Maharashtra alone nearly 60,000 farmers have ended their lives in last two decades. Last year itself, the western states recorded 3,228 farmer suicides with maximum cases coming from drought hit Marathwada and Vidharbha region. According to the census, nearly 2,000 farmers across India are giving up agriculture daily and opting for other menial jobs...

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Rebooting India’s agricultural policy -Himanshu The efforts of the government in revamping the crop insurance and land titling schemes are long-term solutions which will take time to bear results The agricultural sector is facing its worst moment in the last three decades. The last time India saw such distress caused by back-to-back deficient rains was during the drought of 1986-87 and 1987-88. The severity of the situation is evident from the stories of migration and...

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