The special Lokayukta court in Bengaluru on Monday issued an arrest warrant against former Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa. The court issued the arrest warrant after Yeddyurappa failed to appear before the court on two occasions in a row. The case in question is pertaining to corruption, which was filed by advocate Sirajudin Pasha. Yeddyurappa had been arrested the last time in connection with the same case. He was, however, granted bail...
TB turns invincible by Sonal Matharu
Discovery of a deadly form of TB in a Mumbai hospital underscores mismanagement In December last, when doctors at Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai raised the alarm over a deadly form of tuberculosis, the Union health ministry was quick to refute the claim. In its press release on January 17, the ministry said the term “totally drug resistant TB” is “misleading”; it is neither recognised by the national programme for TB control...
More »Indian law caught in web by Moyna
Can Information Technology Act deal with the dynamics of the Net? THIS is one series of court cases the nation is following keenly. Within one week, in December last year, a criminal and a civil complaint were filed against 20-odd online giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo for hosting anti-religious and anti-social content on their websites. While the judge hearing the civil case ordered immediate removal and blockade of all...
More »Totally drug resistant TB: government in denial mode by Sonal Matharu
Health ministry deputes team to Mumbai; says neither WHO nor tuberculosis control programme recognise TDR-TB The Union ministry of health has denied the presence of totally drug resistant tuberculosis (TDR-TB) reported in Mumbai. Researchers at the Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai documented the presence of this strain of TB in India for the first time in the December 21, 2011 edition of the journal, Clinical Infectious Diseases. Patients suffering from it are...
More »Arvind Kejriwal, a key member of Team Anna interviewed by Sheela Bhatt
It would be an understatement to say that India Against Corruption leader Arvind Kejriwal, a key member of Team Anna, is a dejected man. After stirring the nation last year with his anti-corruption for the most part of 2011, Kisan Baburao 'Anna' Hazare saw the movement fizzle out when he staged a fast in Mumbai in December. He has since returned to his village to recuperate from an undisclosed illness even...
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