Total outlay for School Education is Rs.13,334 crore Students of classes X, XI and XII in government and government-aided schools will be entitled to an incentive after completion of schooling, Finance Minister O. Pannerselvam told the Assembly in the Budget speech for 2011-12 here on Thursday. The total outlay for School Education is Rs.13,334 crore. While students of classes X and XI would receive Rs.1,500 each per year for completion, students of...
The right to skills by Manish Sabharwal
It’s been raining “rights” in Indian policy for the last few years — education, work, food, service, healthcare, and much else. This “Diet Coke” approach to poverty reduction — the sweetness without the calories — was always dangerous because of unknown side effects. Commenting in 1790 on the consequences of the French Revolution, Edmund Burke said: “They have found their punishment in their success. Laws overturned, tribunals subverted, industry without...
More »Arunachal RTI Activists Call Itanagar Bandh
-Outlook The Arunachal RTI Activists Forum (ARTIAF) has called a 24-hour Itanagar bandh on July 29 demanding resignation of Health Minister Atum Welly and Chief Information Commissioner Y D Thongchi. The health minister recently landed in a controversy after his son and daughter allegedly submitted fake educational certificates for government jobs while his three aides were arrested on the charge of plotting to murder an RTI activist who brought the matter...
More »Now, India to churn out 4,452 more doctors by Kounteya Sinha
India is all set to produce over 4,400 more doctors every year. The Medical Council of India (MCI) has increased the number of seats for undergraduate medical education by 4,452 from this academic session (2011-12). Around 2,650 seats have been increased due to the opening of new colleges. And, the rest of seats (1,802) came about after the strength of the existing colleges was increased. India has around 335 medical colleges - 185...
More »Towards establishing health equity by KS Jacob
The challenge is to acknowledge the inappropriateness of the current health education and delivery systems, and refashion health care delivery relevant for the country. The confluence of recent events is an opportunity to rethink health systems. The new Medical Council of India, the proposed Human Resources in Health Bill, the penultimate year of the National Rural Health Mission, preparations for the 12th Five Year Plan and the promise of a significant...
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