Tamil Nadu offers maximum economic freedom and Bihar the least among 20 of India's big states, according to a study released on Tuesday. The Economic Freedom of the States in India 2011 ranked the states based on the extent of wealth, administrative and social parameters in 2009. The USbased Cato Institute published the rankings in association with Indicus Analytics and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Both the states retained their positions...
Per capita income up, dependence on agriculture down by Santosh Singh
Good news for Bihar on the economic front. According to the Economic Survey 2010-11, tabled in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, the state’s annual per capita income doubled in five years, gross domestic product (GDP) saw a steady growth and the number of vehicles increased three fold. The annual per capita income went up to Rs 17,590 in 2009-10 against Rs 8,528 in 2004-05. The average GDP growth for the period...
More »Survey outlines reform agenda for accelerated growth by Ashok Dasgupta
Policy reforms required to bring about better convergence of schemes Streamlining of environment clearance for infrastructure projects suggested Higher farm sector share in economic development needed The Economic Survey 2010-11 has advised the government to carry out nearly a dozen reforms pertaining to various sectors of the economy and stressed that action in this regard would be necessary to achieve the 9 per cent GDP (gross domestic product) expansion projected for 2011-12 and...
More »Investing in 'green economy' can boost growth, reduce poverty – UN report
Investing around $1.3 trillion – or two per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP) – into ten key sectors can kick-start a transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient 'green economy' that can also help reduce poverty, says a new United Nations report launched today. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) presented the report, “Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication,” to environment ministers from over 100 countries at...
More »Health of the nation by Sitaram Yechury
The budget session of the Parliament began with President Pratibha Patil’s address. All indications point to a normal functioning of this session, unlike the wasted winter session. This is because the UPA 2 government has agreed to constitute a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) to look into the 2G spectrum allocation scam. If the government were to have done this in the winter session itself, then precious time and resources would...
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