-ThePrint.in For a family of five, the monthly thali cost jumped up from Rs 4,700 in 2015 to Rs 6,700 in 2022 for a lighter diet. Inflation, particularly food inflation, has been centre stage not just in India but globally. Despite moderation observed in India’s June 2022 inflation print, food inflation continues to stay in the uncomfortable zone of 6 to 8 per cent sINCe the start of the year. How does...
As Modi Calls for Organic Farming, Can India Afford a Radical Shift? -Aathira PerINCherry
-TheWire.in * In his independence day speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said natural farming and chemical-free farming can give a boost to self-reliance. * Because organic farming means less intensive agriculture, and in turn, decreased crop productivity, experts say India’s food security could be impacted. * Rather than a radical shift to organic farming, a middle path that combines conventional agriculture will suit the country best, they say. Kochi: “Organic farming is our duty,”...
More »MSME definition to be modified, FISME calls for suggestions -Ananya Upadhyaya
-Financial Express Due to the steep rise in raw material prices, many small enterprises have crossed the threshold of small enterprises and graduated to medium, making them ineligible for government subsidies. Federation of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprises (FISME) is calling for suggestions to put before the central government as they seek to revise the definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country. The criteria for Udyam...
More »Amul, Mother Dairy Milk Prices To Rise By Rs. 2 From Tomorrow
-NDTV.com The INCrease in milk prices comes in view of a rise in input costs, Amul and Mother Dairy said. New Delhi: Milks prices are set to INCrease with dairy brands Amul and Mother Dairy announcing a ₹ 2 raise in its prices due to a rise in procurement and other input costs. The new prices for both the brands will be effective from Wednesday, the companies said. For 500 ml, Amul Gold...
More »More women in the labour force must not lead us to complacency -Sona Mitra and Bidisha Mondal
-Livemint.com It’s a pandemic-related rise and we still need an ecosystem of enablers that can lighten the domestic commitments of women The female labour force participation rate (FLFPR) in India has witnessed an INCrease, as per the Periodic Labour Force Survey released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) covering June 2020 to July 2021. The figure in the period stands at 25.1%, far better than the 17% in 2017-18. While this is...
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