-PTI Asian Games gold medallist Pinki Pramanik, who on Wednesday walked out of jail after spending 26 days in custody on charges of rape, alleged that police had tied her hands and legs and forcibly conducted the gender determination test on her. The retired middle-distance runner, who was released from the Dum Dum Central Jail after a Barasat court gave her bail on Tuesday, said she kept on crying and resisted the...
Man who gave the poor a voice, now silenced-Arshad Ali
-The Indian Express In 2000, when Sutia village of West Bengal was virtually ruled by alleged rapists, a young schoolteacher stood up to them, starting a movement that helped villagers overcome their fear. Villagers say the gangsters, primarily extortionists, had punished a number of reluctant donors by gang-raping the women of their homes, often in front of the rest of the family. The fear this created had stamped out any hopes of...
More »Unemployment lowest in Gujarat, highest in Goa-Rukmini Shrinivasan
-The Times of India India's official unemployment rate was 3.8% for the last year and higher for urban than rural areas according to statistics released by the Labour Bureau on Tuesday. Goa, Kerala Bihar and West Bengal were among the states with high unemployment while Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Punjab were among the states with low unemployment. The 'Second Annual Employment and Unemployment Survey 2011-12', conducted by the Union Ministry of Labour...
More »Rape charge: Pinki Pramanik gets bail after 25 days in custody
-The Indian Express Asian Games gold medalist Pinki Pramanik, arrested after a woman charged that the athlete was a male and had raped her, was granted bail by a court in North 24 Parganas district after spending 25 days in judicial custody on Tuesday. The bail was granted by the Barasat court to Pramanik, whose chromosome pattern test report to determine her gender was received by the SSKM Hospital on Monday. Pramanik was arrested on...
More »Unleash The Good Force-EN Rammohan
Implement land ceiling acts and enforce fifth and ninth schedule Radical left-wing resistance to the State has been festering in India since 1946, when the Communist Party of India began working in North Bengal and Telangana among landless scheduled castes and tribes who worked for a pittance in the lands of the upper-caste landowners in these areas. The root causes of this problem lie in the pernicious caste system of our...
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