-The Hindu Contrary to expectations, the BJP’s appeal among backward classes and the rural Poor has petered out The phrase ‘subaltern Hindutva’ was bandied about quite a lot in academic and journalistic circles during the recently concluded West Bengal Assembly election. Many journalists and scholars covering stories from the field had a common account, that a large section of rural Poor, backward classes, Dalits and Adivasis had firmly shifted towards the Bharatiya...
India learns a bitter lesson for disregarding crucial warnings and recommendations on Covid-19
In the month of April this year, there has been an unprecedented upsurge in daily new cases and daily new deaths in the country due to Covid-19. States, which reported large increases in daily new cases and daily new deaths, are Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, to name but a few. Data accessed from https://www.covid19india.org/, which is a crowdsourced platform and an independent aggregator of daily Covid-19 figures and...
More »Under-reporting does hurt the COVID fight -Bhramar Mukherjee and others
-The Hindu Without good data, accurate projections are impossible, making it difficult to gauge the true state of the pandemic India, now home to the world’s worst ongoing coronavirus pandemic, is currently reporting nearly a million new cases and 10,000 deaths every three days, according to data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The true extent of the second wave now ravaging India is likely much worse than official...
More »The way these state polls were held should leave us in dismay -Gilles Verniers
-Livemint.com The BJP has done Poorly against regional parties but the worst showing this election season was the Election Commission’s Never has analyzing election results seemed an exercise so disconnected from reality. Since the number of daily covid cases exploded three weeks ago, the conditions that led to Sunday’s outcomes have profoundly altered. Even before these elections became a pandemic spreading vector, this has been the most violent election season in recent times,...
More »Accumulation of Poor Health Infrastructure
-Economic and Political Weekly Editorial India has to substantially scale up its health infrastructure to protect lives and livelihoods. “The situation in India is a devastating reminder of what the virus can do,” said World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a virtual briefing in Geneva last week. He was speaking in the context of the WHO survey findings which noted that one year into the COVID-19 pandemic around 90%...
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