-The Hindu The controversy over who in India is ‘poor’ enough to receive state support has been partially laid to rest. A joint statement by the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission and the Minister for Rural Development has declared that data collected by the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC), 2011 will be the basis for identifying those deemed eligible for entitlements under various central government programmes. India’s official poverty estimates based...
The Poverty Question
-The Times of India The Rs 32 per capita urban poverty line is a measure only of extreme poverty, not of acceptable consumption-linked daily expenditure. Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia and rural development minister Jairam Ramesh have clarified this. They've also stated that prevailing BPL figures won't determine selection of the beneficiaries of social schemes. This hopefully will put an end to the high-decibel protests of opposition parties and...
More »Audit this overreach
-The Indian Express The Comptroller and Auditor General’s hubris will not tolerate any no-go areas. This august office sees itself as capable of running a shadow administration and it may just be a matter of time before the CAG demands that it be allowed to audit the selection of the Indian cricket team. As reported in this newspaper on Tuesday, the CAG asked the home ministry to submit agenda notes and...
More »Tendulkar's poverty line not meant to be an acceptable level of living for aam aadmi: Montek Singh Ahluwalia
-The Economic Times Pressure from within and outside the government has forced Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia to clarify that the Tendulkar Commission's poverty line was, "not meant to be an acceptable level of living for the aam aadmi." Ahluwalia said a new methodology will be worked out to determine entitlements of beneficiaries under various schemes for poor. A Socio-Economic and Caste-Economic census was also underway to survey all rural...
More »‘Tendulkar poverty line will remain reference point' by Gargi Parsai
Though the methodology for determining the poor would be based on the socio-economic caste census being undertaken by the Rural Development Ministry, the (Suresh) Tendulkar poverty line would remain a relevant reference point “to see how development is helping to take more and more individuals above a fixed line over time and across States,” Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia told a news conference here on Monday. As per the...
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