-FirstPost.com "Spray 50 parts per million of Gibberellic ralic acid, 6BA and 0050 grade potassium on leaves. Apply muriate of potash at the RATe of 25 kg per acre." Almost every morning, Sanjeev Mane sends messages like these in MaRAThi to his 5,100 followers on Whatsapp in Maharashtra and the border areas. The post above, of 20 April, was advice to farmers on preparing their cane crop for the summer season. Cheap Internet...
CIC delayed is spirit of RTI denied -Shyamlal Yadav
-The Indian Express Files already piled up on the Chief Information Commissioner’s desk could take up to 2020 to clear. Delay in appointing the CIC hurts the objectives of both the RTI Act and the PM’s pledge of good governance. The RTI Act, 2005 provided for a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions to deal with appeals and complaints against public authorities. Section 12 of the RTI Act states, “The Central...
More »NSSO data confirms socio-economic disparity
Social justice is one of the basic pillars of democracy. But when it comes to livelihood security and socio-economic status of various communities in rural areas, persons belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) lag far behind the upper caste population. This has been revealed in a recent National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) report entitled: Employment and Unemployment Situation among Social Groups in India...
More »UNESCO’S Report on Education
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Human Resource Development The Education of All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2015 states that India made marked progress, increasing its net enrolment RATio significantly as Gross National Product (GNP) per capita improved, suggesting a more equitable distribution of economic gains. The report states that there was particular improvement in reducing gender disparity in primary enrolment in South and West Asia, where the regional Gender Parity...
More »If you want to help the farmer -Vani S Kulkarni, Katsushi S Imai and Raghav Gaiha
-The Indian Express As the toll of human misery and suicide mounts, official estimates of farm losses due to unseasonal rains and hailstorms in March remain controversial, with hasty downward revision. Since these estimates are largely notional, without validation from field visits, such revision smacks of delibeRATe fiddling. On March 24, the agriculture ministry reported that crops on 18 million hectares — about 30 per cent of the rabi crops —...
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