-Hindustan Times The issue of recovering the full extent of the value of our natural resources from parties to whom they are being assigned has reverbeRATed throughout the economy ever since the Supreme Court delivered its judgements in the 2G scam (dealing with the State's earnings from selling spectrum) and on coal block allocations. In both instances, past practice and legal provisions had unwittingly handed these resources to parties at a pittance. Under...
Lack of Clarity and Vision in New Mines and Minerals Act -EAS Sarma
-Economic and Political Weekly Much has been claimed on behalf of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act that has been enacted by Parliament, but the legislation has introduced a watered-down version of auctions, has many exceptions to legalise the old first-cum-firstserve approach, and ignores previous Supreme Court rulings on measures to ensure sustainable development. E A S Sarma (eassarma@gmail.com) is a former Union Power Secretary. With a brute majority in...
More »IIT leads the way to a 'green revolution' -Jhimli Mukherjee Pandey
-The Times of India KHARAGPUR: A patch of 14 acres in Kenthia village of Kharagpur-II block, which was written off by everyone, has suddenly turned lush green. Go closer and you will see paddy, soybean, groundnuts, sweet corn and sesame plants there. The Kenthia experiment started with three departments of IIT-Kharagpur - agriculture and food technology, biotechnology and industrial engineering - about six months ago. The challenge was to turn a barren patch...
More »Fields of Despair -Sutapa Deb
-NDTV There is the reality of a farmer's suicide and then there are versions of this reality. Whether you choose to accept the farmer's context of poverty, debt and extreme risk, or deny it, often depends on the class and profession you belong to. Fields pockmarked with brown mounds create a surreal setting. At least nine suicides by farmers have been linked to the crisis in West Bengal's potato belt. Farmers have...
More »Freak weather may hit kharif crop too: Experts
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Changiram, a farmer from Kota's Darbheeji village, had sown his four-hectare land with wheat, investing around Rs 80,000 in seeds, fertilizers and labour. He expected to earn around Rs 4 lakh. But unseasonal rains and hailstorms in March damaged more than 70% of his crop, leaving him insolvent and staring at a bleak future. Changiram's plight mirrors that of tens of thousands of farmers across the...
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