-The Indian Express The Modi government had recently directed all central government offices to introduce Aadhaar-based biometric attendance systems. In what could be a revolutionary step towards monitoring and tracking the work of government officials, the NDA government has launched an "attendance website" to serve as a centralised database for all central government Employees. Though the website, attendance.gov.in, is still in the process of being developed, officials said it is expected to be...
Aadhaar watch on babus -Imran Ahmed Siddiqui
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The sarkari babu will have to make every minute count. The Narendra Modi government has ordered that an Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) be implemented in all central government offices. A circular issued to all central government offices in the capital today has also asked Employees, of all ranks, to submit their contact details (email ID, residential address, telephone and personal mobile phone numbers) to the department of...
More »Number of temporary workers in government jobs seen rising -Prashant K. Nanda
-Live Mint A report finds that 44% of govt Employees are temporary, and share of permanent workers is declining New Delhi: At least 44% of government Employees are temporary and the number of such workers is rising, leaving them without access to social security benefits and in some cases depriving them of minimum wages. The size of the government workforce is on the decline and so is the share of permanent workers,...
More »Betting the farm on populism-Ajay Vir Jakhar
-The Business Standard The Budget missed the chance to articulate its intentions to the farming community; the prime minister's Independence Day speech provides another invaluable opportunity Young Indians starting their careers in an environment devoid of hope and opportunity and surviving on dole will be inclined to populist politics. But the farming community expects much more substance from the government, and the Budget was a good example of how populism trumped...
More »Changes in labour law will affect half of all factories -Surabhi
-The Indian Express The original Act identifies a factory based on the number of workers employed. More than half the factories across the country may be exempt from the restrictive provisions applicable under the current legislative framework, with the Factories Amendment Bill, 2014 proposing to revise the definition of a factory by effectively doubling the threshold of the number of workers employed in such a unit. The move is expected to ease...
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