-The Indian Express The latest Google Transparency Report shows India is only second to the Unites states in requesting user data. While the Indian government had a total of 2,691 requests of which 64 per cent where fulfilled, the US had 10,918 requests of which 83 per cent where fulfilled. In an official blog post, Richard Salgado, Google's Legal Director, Law Enforcement and Information Security wrote: "Since we began sharing these figures...
After cycles for girls, Nitish plans tablets, digital classes for women -Anubhuti Vishnoi
-The Indian Express After tasting success with its free bicycle scheme for school-going girls, the Bihar government is planning a freebie in tune with the times - a tablet PC - ahead of the 2014 elections. While other state governments have so far targeted the student community with free laptops and tablets, the Nitish Kumar government is working on an ambitious Rs 8,000 crore scheme to provide tablets to digitally illiterate...
More »Infant deaths in J&K: ill babies given pentavalent vaccine, says PUDR -Jyotsna Singh
-Down to Earth Report of health experts deputed by civil society group says infants did not receive timely medical care when they developed serious reaction A team of public health experts who probed the deaths of eight children in Jammu and Kashmir who were administered pentavalent vaccine has said the deaths were related to administrative negligence and inadequate medical facilities. Seven children in GB Pant hospital and one in SKIMS Medical College...
More »60 lakh cases not registered every year
-The Hindu The Supreme Court, which on Tuesday ordered compulsory registration of First Information Reports, noted that the burking (suppression) of crime might itself be in the range of 60 lakh cases every year. Quoting figures from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), a five-judge Constitution Bench, said: "Registration of FIRs leads to less manipulation in criminal cases and lessens incidents of ‘antedated' FIR or deliberately delayed FIR." The NCRB figures showed that...
More »Opinion polls: the way forward-Yogendra Yadav
-The Hindu Opinion polls should be regulated, not banned. Ideally, it should be self-regulation by pollsters and media organisations. The debate around the latest proposal to ban opinion polls is an opportunity in disguise. Beneath the familiar acrimony of partisan debates, a much-needed middle ground has emerged quietly. All we need is a group of stakeholders - pollsters, researchers, media heads and political leaders - to come together to turn this possibility...
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