-The Hindu BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh and NDA-ruled Bihar were among the worst performers The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation on Tuesday released the findings of the survey of 1.4 lakh rural households, undertaken by the Quality Council of India (QCI) between May and June this year. The survey, covering 4626 villages across all States and Union territories, claimed that 62.45% of the households had access to a toilet. The survey also pointed that...
MGNREGA compensation delayed by Centre or states in around 50% cases: study
-PTI Researchers claimed that the compensation under MGNREGA was delayed either by the Centre or the state governments in almost half of the 92 lakh cases it studied New Delhi: Researchers claimed on Friday that the compensation under MGNREGA was delayed either by the Centre or the state governments in almost half of the 92 lakh cases it studied. The outcomes of an ongoing study were shared at a press conference called...
More »A field of her own -Tarini Mohan
-The Indian Express Advancing rights of women farmers can revolutionise the rural ecosystem The stereotypical image of an Indian farmer is a mustachioed man, clad in a white dhoti with farming tools in hand. The reality is the Indian agricultural landscape is fast being feminised. Already, women constitute close to 65 per cent of all agricultural workers. An even greater share, 74 per cent of the rural workforce, is female. Despite their...
More »The difficult economics of the Indian farmer
-Livemint.com Policy should focus not just on higher production but also on helping farmers manage risks Anybody who is dismissive of the wave of farmer protests across the country should first understand the difficult everyday economics of the Indian agriculturalist. Most farmers swim in a turbulent sea of risks against which they have almost no protection. The risks begin with sowing. The production in the months ahead is deeply dependent on weather conditions....
More »Karnataka: Another drought year?
-Bangalore Mirror Reservoirs in the state are filled to only half their capacities, a first in 42 years Slowly, monsoon is weakening, and we have not got our share of rainfall yet. Barring Kalaburagi, all districts in the state have had poor rainfall — a clear deficit. In Bengaluru City, the shortfall is 52%. According to experts, the rainfall in the state has fallen by 20-55 per cent, from June 1 to...
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