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Moneylenders to be flushed out by P Sudhakar

TIRUNELVELI: Following complaints of moneylenders occupying some of the houses at the Samaththuvapuram in Valliyoor, Collector M. Jayaraman has ordered to check the genuineness of the occupants. The Samaththuvapuram has 100 houses, a community hall, playground, ration shop, a park and other basic facilities. As each house in this colony is situated on five cents of land, close to the National Highway, Government Hospital and Tamil Nadu Housing Board apartments, its...

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GMO Crops: A Few Questians to the Genetic Engineering by Sailendra Nath Ghosh

In April last year, the Supreme Court, in response to a public interest litigation filed by the Gene Campaign (whose convenor is the internationally known geneticist Dr Suman Sahai), directed the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) to consider the toxicity and allergenicity of GM crops and to post the relevant material on the web so that independent experts could examine these. The Supreme Court asked the GEAC to study also...

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The Peel-An-Onion Plan by Lola Nayar

Another food crisis? This time it’s not shortages but prices—a plain failure of responsive policy and execution. Zooming food prices are raising political temperatures yet again. The rumblings, for once, are not merely restricted to the opposition parties, but evident within the ruling coalition as well. Though attacks from across the political spectrum have become a bit subdued of late, the target remains Union agriculture and food minister Sharad Pawar. And...

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The Cross Of Courage by Tusha Mittal

THEY DARED TO DO THEIR DUTY: THEY HAVE BEEN KILLED AND HARASSED FOR IT. PERHAPS THERE is a reason why Sanjiv Chaturvedi’s journey begins in the small dusty town of Kurukshetra, for his story is as epic a battle between good and evil, his journey as much a pursuit of dharma. Only, he is the sole Pandava on this battlefront, and he is the one who called the war. It was...

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City Without Soul by Tarsh Thekaekara

A FEW SLEEPY villages in the hills, about an hour’s drive from Pune, are suddenly buzzing with activity. Lavasa Corporation, a subsidiary of the Hindustan Construction Company (HCC), is spending Rs 140,000 crore to ‘clean out’ these villages (read tribals and marginal farmers) and build a world-class city in its place. Those pushing the project argue that urban India, bursting at its seams, just cannot cope with the large-scale migration from...

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