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Cash transfers can save Rs 30,000 crore per year in food subsidies: Shanta Kumar -Dipak K Dash & Surojit Gupta

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Conditional cash transfer instead of providing grains at subsidized rates to the poor under the Food Security Act can save at least Rs 30,000 crore annually, said Shanta Kumar, chairman of a panel set up to revamp the state-run Food Corporation of India (FCI). Kumar said linking cash transfer to conditions such as constructing toilets was one of the several options being considered to ensure every...

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Centre sits on royalty slabs for bio resources, loses Rs 25,000 cr a year -Jay Mazoomdaar

-The Indian Express It took the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) six years, 18 drafts and a prod from the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to finalise the Guidelines for Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) this August. Three months on, it is yet to notify the rules that would allow it to collect from domestic and foreign companies 0.1-1 per cent of their ex-factory gross sales of products using biological resources and traditional...

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Explained: Understanding the permanent solution at WTO -Harish Damodaran

-The Indian Express Last week, India and the US reached an understanding on working out a "permanent solution" to the issue of public stockholding for food security purposes at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The deal is seen as a breakthrough, ending the impasse that had stalled the implementation of a landmark Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) hammered out at the WTO's ministerial conference in Bali last December. * What is this deal...

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FCI finally gets leeway in grain storage -Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-Business Standard Total physical stock as on November 1 was 43 mt against the total covered storage capacity of 55 mt For the first time in many years, foodgrain stocks in the central pool are much less than the entire covered storage capacity available with the Food Corporation of India (FCI), thanks to some reduction in procurement and efficient management. This, as some officials said, effectively means the bulk of the rice procured...

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Contaminated water leading to cancer, fear Indian villagers -Neeta Lal

-The Third Pole Villagers in India's Greater Noida district could be the latest victims of groundwater contamination with reports of increased cancer cases spurring investigations and concern about the situation elsewhere in the country The perils of groundwater contamination were again in the spotlight recently when media reports about drinking water causing cancer surfaced from five villages in an industrial belt on the outskirts of the Indian capital New Delhi. As medical experts...

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