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Life imprisonment is ground to grant divorce: Karnataka high court by P Vasanth Kumar

If you're sentenced to life imprisonment, it's possible you can't remain married. Karnataka high court has rejected the miscellaneous first appeal (MFA) filed by a husband serving a life sentence in a murder case. "When the appellant is convicted for life, even the grounds of desertion have to be taken into account legally because he cannot live with the wife and give her conjugal happiness. For the rest of her life,...

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Indirect ways to kill RTI by Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times Civil society pressure may have forced the government to keep proposed changes in the Right To Information (RTI) Act in abeyance but the information officers are quietly implementing them.  The government has proposed restrictions on RTI applications that only one issue can be raised in one application and it should not be more than 250 words. But, it had to withdraw amendments following objection by RTI proponents such as...

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Govt blinks on food security Bill-Liz Mathew

In a move that could end a face-off within the government on the proposed food security Bill, the food ministry has decided to make everyone, except the so-called creamy layer, eligible for receiving state-subsidized foodgrains. Those who can afford to pay market prices will be kept out of the intended list of beneficiaries through the introduction of the exclusion criteria in the Bill, which will also seek to allocate foodgrains on...

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Slow progress mars effort to make Satara schools RTE compliant

-The Times of India The building of school infrastructure as per norms set by the Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, is moving at a rather slow pace in the neighbouring Satara district. This, despite the substantial financial allocations made through the central government's Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA) programme. An independent assessment of 146 schools across Satara district, carried out by the New Delhi-based Centre for Policy Research (CPR), has...

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Pronab Sen, principal advisor to Planning Commission interviewed by Indivjal Dhasmana

The poverty line figures given by the Planning Commission for 2009-10 have drawn strong criticism of foul play from politicians, social activists and some economists. Is the current poverty line justified? Why are there so many conflicting opinions? To understand this complex issue in simple terms,Indivjal Dhasmana interviewed Pronab Sen, principal advisor to the Planning Commission and former chief statistician. Edited excerpts: There is so much confusion around the poverty line....

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