-The Hindu Business Line The rejection of the the Gadgil panel report, by all the six States along the Western Ghats, has proved to be a costly error The floods of catastrophic dimensions that ravaged Kerala recently have brought into sharp focus the all-round ecological destruction caused by human interference in the State’s hilly terrains. The fact that there were 12 major landslides and hundreds of minor ones within a fortnight in the...
Madhav Gadgil, noted ecologist, interviewed by Prathima Nandakumar (TheWeek.in)
-TheWeek.in Noted ecologist Madhav Gadgil blames the “law-flouting” state government for the devastation in Kerala. The Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP), headed by Gadgil in 2011, had suggested measures to preserve the ecologically frail Ghats. But, the Kerala government, like the other five states, chose to reject the report. Having suffered such devastation, Gadgil feels that the state should survey the “ecologically sensitive zones” that have been compromised due to...
More »Factory workers in India -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-NetworkIdeas.org Recent data from the Annual Survey of Industries, covering up to 2015-16, provide some interesting insights into the changing nature of industrial employment in India. In the decade up to 2015-16, there was a significant increase in the number of factory workers, by around 40 per cent. This expansion can be dated from around 2005-06 onwards and especially up to 2011-12. This is to be expected, given that that was...
More »Why the NSSO Employment Surveys Shouldn't Have Been Done Away With -Sona Mitra
-TheWire.in The new periodic labour force surveys, while welcome, will create a situation where there would be no data system to compare the present with the past. In a recent interview, Prime Minister Narendra Modi apparently said, “more than a lack of jobs, the issue is a lack of data on jobs”. For those of us who have been using the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) data on employment and unemployment for...
More »GDP back series data: National Statistical Commission seeks public comment on panel report
-PTI New Delhi: The National Statistical Commission (NSC) has sought public comments on a panel report which showed that the economy grew at fastest pace under the Congress rule, amid a political row over the growth numbers. The report of the panel, constituted by the NSC, was made public last week. The government has maintained that the GDP Back Series Report 2011 was an unofficial document that has not been accepted by it....
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