-The Hindu Business Line Barring few cases, large haircuts of 70-90 per cent are continuing to hurt banks While the Centre’s decision to frontload capital infusion of Rs 70,000 crore into PSBs has boosted sentiment, unless there is quick resolution of large accounts under IBC, this may achieve little. What is of more concern, is the paltry amount that banks have been realising from the resolution of accounts under IBC. A look at...
RBI's bonanza: Fiscal deficit by another name -Aunindyo Chakravarty
-Newsclick.in It’s just a parlour trick to disguise financing of government spending that does not appear in the formal Budget. We all know by now, that economic activity in this country has come to a grinding halt. That’s not just bad for our earnings, but also for the Government of India (GoI). Because, when people don’t buy or sell things, or even produce them, the government doesn’t get enough taxes. So, economists...
More »Niti Aayog chief rings the alarm bell, calls for unprecedented steps
-The Indian Express While blaming a large part of the problem on the high credit growth between 2004 and 2011, when it grew 27 per cent and resulted in a build-up of NPAs, he said it takes a lot for the government which has inherited all the 'systems and inertia'. New Delhi: Taking cognizance of the bad liquidity situation in the financial sector and weak private investment in the economy, Rajiv...
More »Content management: On Aadhaar-social media linkage
-The Hindu Courts must let government work out a balanced regulatory regime for online content The submissions in the Supreme Court on behalf of the Tamil Nadu government in support of linking social media profiles of registered users with their Aadhaar numbers are not well-founded in the law as it now stands. It is noteworthy that a Division Bench of the Madras High Court, which is hearing two writ petitions on this...
More »The Modi government is facing a serious cash crunch -- thanks to GST -Shoaib Daniyal
-Scroll.in More than a tenth of GDP is provided by government expenditure. This is (more) bad news for the Indian economy. In 1773, the British Parliament passed the Regulating Act, appointing a governor general to oversee all of British India. This law marked the beginnings of the Central government of the British Raj, the single most significant institution to shape the Indian subcontinent for the next two centuries. It continues till today...
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