-The Hindu Jagdish Bhagwati's attacks on Amartya Sen are based on a series of misattributions and obscure the real issues on which the two economists differ Rich and lively public debates are the raison d'être of any Democracy. But the recent attacks by Professor Jagdish Bhagwati on Dr. Amartya Sen confound the real issues on which Sen and Bhagwati differ. Bhagwati tries to position himself as a proponent of growth that would benefit...
Some MPs, activists bat for accountability of political class through RTI -Mohammad Ali
-The Hindu Members of Parliament opposed to the proposed amendment of the RTI Act have vowed to continue building pressure until the political class becomes accountable to the common citizen. Trinamool Congress MP Dinesh Trivedi, who actively opposed the RTI (Amendment) Bill, 2013, told The Hindu that the Bill should never have come up in Parliament. "We need to be actively involved with this movement now. We cannot afford to take a...
More »Demand to refer RTI Amendment Bill to Standing Committee -Mohammad Ali
-The Hindu Even as the passage of the Right to Information (Amendment) Bill-2013 in Parliament seems imminent, the demand to refer the Bill to a Parliamentary Standing Committee for public consultation is gaining momentum both within and outside the House. After the Biju Janta Dal MP Baijayant Panda, another Lok Sabha MP Ajoy Kumar has written a letter to Speaker Meira Kumar requesting her to refer the Bill to a Standing...
More »Amid slugfest with BJP, PM hints at hiking fuel prices, curbing gold imports
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister on Friday called for a political consensus on "more difficult reforms", indicating that the government was considering a cut in fuel subsidy, which would mean higher petrol and diesel prices, and bringing in measures to curb gold imports. Making a statement in the Lok Sabha on the current economic situation, Manmohan Singh admitted that the current account deficit had gone up sharply and...
More »This perverse rage against the poor-Harish Khare
-The Hindu With the economic boom petering out, those who benefitted from it are angry with the government for the Food Security Bill because it is paying attention to the needs of the underprivileged for a change This week's received wisdom insists that the Indian economy has irretrievably collapsed because on Monday, the Lok Sabha passed the National Food Security Bill (NFSB). The Hindu Business Line headline (Aug.28, page 1) said it...
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