-The Hindu No extra funds, money coming from Samagra Shiksha’s 20% lower budget The Centre’s new mission to ensure that every Class 3 child has foundational literacy and numeracy within five years will be rolled out on Monday. Although the National Education Policy had included a 2025 deadline to achieve the goal, the Centre has pushed back the target date to 2026-27, given that COVID-19 has already disrupted two academic years. The School...
Devil’s Advocate: Are solar electricity and electric vehicles really ‘clean’ -Satish Vitta
-Down to Earth A behind-the-scenes look helps one know that human as well as economic costs need to be paid upfront to make either solar grade silicon or put together a million lithium batteries A recent analysis performed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration shows that it is a business-as-usual scenario. The global average temperature has been 1.02 degrees Celsius (°C) higher than the baseline. The World Meteorological Organization has announced the...
More »Jean Drèze, Development economist and right to food activist, interviewed by Shriya Mohan (The Hindu Business Line)
-The Hindu Business Line The Development economist, now part of Tamil Nadu’s Economic Advisory Council, says that public expenditure on health is just 0.6 per cent of the state domestic product, one of the lowest ratios among Indian states * Universal quality education, health care and social security are still distant goals * A well-designed system of emergency cash transfers would be quite useful in this situation of recurrent crises, which may last...
More »Migrant workers bore the brunt of 2020 lockdown due their poor access to social security schemes & legal rights, depicts latest NHRC report
The rise in COVID-19 daily new cases and daily new deaths compelled many state governments to impose local level lockdowns during April-May 2021. As of 20th April, 2021, partial lockdowns were noticed in 10 states across the country and complete lockdown was imposed in Delhi. As of 8th May, 2021, nearly the entire country was under complete lockdown as a result of either partial lockdowns and night curfews or complete...
More »511 kids lost at least one parent to Covid in Belagavi district: Survey
-The New Indian Express As many as 528 children have lost either one or both parents to Covid-19 in Belagavi district, a survey by the Women and Child Welfare Department has revealed. BELAGAVI: As many as 528 children have lost either one or both parents to Covid-19 in Belagavi district, a survey by the Women and Child Welfare Department has revealed. According to the survey, 17 children have lost both their parents...
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