Days after chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy wished to see every police station in the state work like a corporate office and the complainant received warmly, a Right to Information (RTI) activist on Friday was nearly subjected to the third degree treatment by inspector K Srinivas Rao after he walked into Kukatpally police station, and only timely intervention by higher-ups saved him from being arrested and slapped with false cases....
Over 70 civic schools flouting sanitation norms, finds RTI plea by Swati Shinde Gole
Seventy-seven schools run by the Pune Municipal Corporation do not have sanitation facilities in tune with the norms set by the Union ministry of rural development's department of drinking water supply, a Right to Information Act (RTI) application by P M Shah Foundation has found. Lack of proper sanitation facilities was one of the reasons girls dropped out of school. The information was sought from the civic education board. The...
More »457 appeals disposed of during special RTI event by Prajakta Chavan
The chief state information commission (CSIC) is likely to conduct more ‘Special Appeal Disposal Programme’ after disposing of more than 450 of the 607 Right To Information (RTI) appeals in just four days. Chief state information commissioner Vijay Kuvalekar had organised the programme, which was conducted at the Podar Medical College (Ayurved), Worli, over a four-day period. The event aimed at disposing of piled up RTI applications at CSIC since 2008. Nearly...
More »UP: NREGA scam in Sonia Gandhi's constituency? by Rupashree Nanda
-CNN-IBN CNN-IBN has exposed an employment guarantee scam in Congress Chief Sonia Gandhi's constituency Rae Bareli where fake job cards are being used to siphon off money. An RTI application has thrown up some uncomfortable facts in this constituency where in the last 2 years, Rs 280 Crores were spent in Rae Bareli's MNREGS projects, but God knows where exactly is the money going! The national rural employment guarantee scheme is credited with...
More »Govt dallying RTI implementation by Mushtaq Ahmad
Despite its introduction with much fanfare three years ago, Jammu and Kashmir government has abruptly slowed down on the implementation of Right to Information (RTI) Act, which was designed to bring transparency and accountability to public offices. According to the Act enacted in March 2009, it is incumbent upon the state government to launch major awareness campaign for general public through various mediums of communication and languages, especially for disadvantaged communities...
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