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Draft water bill proposes ‘water for life’ for all -Amitabh Sinha

-The Indian Express Draft law says water shall not be denied to anyone over inability to pay, being proposed as model legislation for states. A proposed new law on water promises to give every person the right to a minimum amount of “safe water”, while making the state “obliged” to “protect” and conserve water. The draft National Water Framework Bill says every person would be entitled to “water for life” that shall...

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The Private Sector’s Commitment to the National Skill Development Programme is Shaky -Santosh Mehrotra The number of people needing technical and vocational education is at least 20 million per year, but the system is barely churning out 5 million per year. In India until the middle of the 2000’s, employers were hardly interested in training within their own enterprises, let alone the system outside their enterprises. However, rapid GDP growth during those years led to a serious shortage of skilled staff. The government of India...

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TCA Anant, Chief Statistician of India, speaks to Dilasha Seth and Indivjal Dhasmana

-Business Standard As economic growth came in at 7.9 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2015-16, many argue that much of it could be attributed to discrepancies. Chief Statistician of India T C A Anant dispels these notions. He tells Dilasha Seth and Indivjal Dhasmana that the principal method of calculating the gross domestic product (GDP) is by taking into account the production-side estimates and not an expenditure one. Edited...

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Arunachal hydropower project halted to save black-necked cranes -Nivedita Khandekar The decision by the National Green Tribunal is likely to lead to more comprehensive impact assessment studies for other hydropower projects proposed in the Brahmaputra basin Hopes have resurfaced on saving the nesting grounds of endangered black-necked cranes in the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh after the National Green Tribunal in April suspended the environmental clearance given to the proposed 780 MW hydropower project in Tawang district. The decision also...

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No progress on anti-corruption laws in country: WNTA Report

-PTI New Delhi: A network of voluntary organisations under the banner of Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA) in its report today claimed that there had been no progress on anti-corruption laws in the country and that there have been concerted attempt to undermine existing legislations and mechanisms. The Report titled 'Citizens report on 2nd year of NDA government: Promises and Reality', on the performance of Narendra Modi led NDA government which is...

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