-The Tribune A confession by IMF economists in the flagship magazine stating that the kind of growth promoted by neoliberalism promotes inequality has created a buzz. Once in a while, something unexpected happens so stunningly that one finds it unbelievable in the first instance. A group of three economists in IMF's research department has written a joint paper criticising some key aspects of IMF's creed of neo-liberalism. It appears as unbelievable as...
Mumbai, Delhi are not really ‘smart cities’, says global survey -Moushumi Das Gupta
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: The national capital is not “smart”, neither are financial capital Mumbai, information technology hub Bengaluru and eastern India’s biggest city Kolkata. They actually wallow at the bottom of a global livability survey of 181 cities. The 2016 Cities in Motion Index (CIMI), prepared jointly by the Barcelona-based University of Navarrara’s IESE Business School and the Centre for Globalisation and Strategy, found Indian cities floundering on most parameters that...
More »Safety concerns: Inside India’s mines, a worker dies every 10 days -Anil Sasi
-The Indian Express Mining has the distinction of being the most dangerous profession in India. Industry insiders concede that official numbers could be much lower than the actual deaths that take PLAce deep inside the mines. Progressive improvements in the safety standard of India’s coal mines notwithstanding, every ten days last year there was a mining fatality in the country. And every third day last year, on an average, there was...
More »No PLAn to tax agricultural income: Govt
-The Times of India New Delhi: Amid predictions of good monsoon rainfall, Union agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh on Tuesday said the country would definitely see higher foodgrain production during 2016-17 even as he made it clear that there is no PLAn to tax agricultural income. While giving his reassurance, he said the Centre will probe if there was any anomaly in the system with regard to undeclared incomes. He said he...
More »Nikhil Dey of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) speaks to Civil Society
-CivilSocietyOnline.com For the past decade state governments have launched a series of Internet-based initiatives to deliver services more efficiently. Technology has been seen as the best way of bypassing red tape and corruption in the system to reach the poor directly with benefits. Beneficiaries are identified through biometrics and a series of tech solutions like smart cards, micro ATMs and so on. The result of these efforts is that India is...
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