-The Hindu A Central team of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) has praised the implementation of various health care and nutrition schemes in Rajasthan and expressed hope that the constant decline in infant and maternal mortality rates would help improve the status of health indicators in the State. The 12-member team, divided into two sub-groups, visited Chittorgarh and Barmer districts and reviewed the progress of initiatives taken under the NRHM, mid-day...
‘Communal conflict in India has shown a surge in recent months'
-The Hindu National convention brings to light cases of police atrocity unknown to many On July 6 this year a large number of men and a few minor boys were arrested and put behind bars in Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh after their protest against alleged disrespect to the Holy Quran by the local police turned violent. However, Subhashini Ali, vice-president of the All India Democratic Women's Association, said on Wednesday that...
More »Our fight will continue: Shweta Bhatt by Smriti Kak Ramachandran
Shweta Bhatt, wife of suspended Gujarat IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt, is undaunted by what lies ahead in their fight against the State administration. Taking on the Narendra Modi government, she said the State people wanted “a change” and were not afraid to speak against the system. “When my husband decided to speak out, we knew there will be consequences; there were and we faced them. And we know it is not...
More »Justice Markandey Katju clarifies
-The Hindu Justice Markandey Katju, Chairman, Press Council of India, has issued the following clarification on his critical observations of the Indian media. I have expressed my views relating to the media in several T.V. interviews I gave as well as in my articles in some newspapers. However, many people, including many media people, wanted clarification and amplification of some of the issues I had raised. Many media people (including several T.V. channels)...
More »Manipur government has to wrest authority back from armed thugs by Abheek Barman
Here in Delhi, you can buy a litre of petrol for a little less than Rs 69. A cylinder of cooking gas costsRs 405. But there's one state capital where petrol costs Rs 200 a litre and gas a staggeringRs 2,000 a cylinder. That city is Imphal, the capital of our easternmost state, Manipur. Since August 1, the state has been hostage to a withering siege: a blockage of two...
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