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Is There a Monopoly on Vocational Training in India? -Anand Chandrasekhar Has Switzerland’s eagerness to export its vocational training and education model to India led to an unsatisfactory compromise that ultimately hurts the battle against poverty: granting a private company exclusive rights to the curriculum developed with Swiss taxpayers’ money? This year, India and Switzerland will celebrate 70 years of a Friendship Treaty that was signed by the two countries in 1948. A decade ago, the 60th anniversary of the Treaty was...

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Violence cost India's GDP over $1 trn on PPP basis

-PTI The estimates include the direct and indirect cost of violence as well as an economic multiplier New Delhi: Violence cost the Indian economy a whopping USD 1.19 trillion (over Rs 80 lakh crore) last year in constant purchasing power parity (PPP) terms, which amounts to roughly USD 595.4 per person, says a report. The findings are part of the report prepared by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) based on...

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Government 'Freezes' Health Insurance Rates, Ignores Private Hospitals' Protests -Anoo Bhuyan The government has fixed the insurance reimbursements for 1,354 medical procedures under its massive new scheme. They say they won’t revise this any further. New Delhi: Despite protests from the private health sector, that the government’s reimbursements to them under the massive new health insurance scheme are too low, the government has “frozen” these rates and is unlikely to change them. “The package rates are now frozen,” said health secretary Preeti Sudan. Dinesh...

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India has not published data on farmer suicides for the last two years -Abhishek Dey National Crime Records Bureau director Ish Kumar said that the data is under scrutiny and the report for 2016 is likely to be published later in June. The suicide of several farmers across India in the past month has put the spotlight on an issue that has plagued the country for several years. In May, at least six farmers committed suicide in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, reportedly for reasons that...

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Cut their shackles: Why usual methods to rescue farmers will fail, and what can work in their stead -Prerna Sharma Singh

-The Times of India blog Dozens of farming groups determined to stall supply of fruits, vegetables and dairy products to major Indian cities is a clear indicator of growing rural discontent that the Modi government has Been struggling to deal with for quite some time, amidst supply glut and depressed farm produce prices. Worried that unhappy farmers could cost BJP dearly in upcoming state and national elections, the government has promised to...

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