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PMO minister says CAG may be expanded, kicks up row

-The Times of India The UPA was caught in a fresh controversy over the comptroller & auditor general (CAG) after V Narayanasamy, minister of state in the Prime Minister's Office, was quoted as saying that the government was "actively considering" converting the federal auditor's office into a multi-member body. "It (VK Shunglu panel's suggestion to make changes in CAG) is under active consideration. The government is actively considering it," news agency PTI...

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Why bug battle has lost its sting-ASRP Mukesh

-The Telegraph Ranchi: Vector control is a baseless charade in Jharkhand, which grapples with a host of maladies like dengue, malaria, chikungunya, kala-azar and filaria every year and yet lacks a single specialist who can analyse and effectively arrest the scourge. Four posts of entomologists — two each for Ranchi and Hazaribagh zones — and two of assistant entomologists have been lying vacant for at least two years for reasons best known...

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Call to sharpen Dalit, tribal welfare focus

-The Telegraph The Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council has suggested revamping the way tribal and Dalit welfare programmes are now implemented, saying these have failed to make much difference to their lives. Council member N.C. Saxena told The Telegraph that the funds allotted for Dalit and tribal welfare schemes are now mostly spent on wider projects, diluting the benefits, which accrue to all rather than specifically to Dalits and tribals. The council examined...

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The Coming Famine In India-Binayak Sen

-Mainstream Weekly Dr Binayak Sen, an internationally renowned medical practitioner and social activist (a leading figure in the People’s Union for Civil Liberties), was incarcerated in Chhattisgarh and held in detention in Raipur having been branded as a Maoist for his activities in defence of poor tribals in the State. He is now out on bail. The following is the text of the Arvind Narayan Das Memorial Lecture he delivered in...

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'Election ComMISsion Cannot Replace CrPc' -RK MISra

-Outlook The Gujarat High Court on Friday struck down a directive of the Election ComMISsion of India terming the limitations on cash movement above a stated limit as unconstitutional The Gujarat High Court on Friday struck down a directive of the Election ComMISsion of India terming the limitations on cash movement above a stated limit as unconstitutional, drastic and violative of personal liberty and privacy of individuals even if it was...

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