-Hindustan Times According to locals, around 100 cases of dengue were reported from the village last year. However, in the absence of any government hospital and medical dispensary, the residents struggled. In 2017, Kadipur in north Delhi, adopted by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from North-East Delhi Manoj Tiwari, had hit the headlines after it became the first village in the capital to get “free wi-fi”. However, it is still struggling to...
Under NDA, rural drinking water takes a back seat -Sneha Alexander & Vishnu Padmanabhan
-Livemint.com Since 2014, the NDA has cut funding for rural drinking water and focused more on sanitation, leaving millions without access to safe and assured water Water is central to human sustenance but millions of Indians do not get enough of it. In 2015, 163 million Indians lacked access to clean water near their homes, the highest figure in the world according to WaterAid, a non-governmental organization focusing on global water issues....
More »About 85% of Ujjwala beneficiaries in four States still use earthen stoves -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Study recommends that the scheme should move beyond benefits for women alone to change household behaviour NEW DELHI: The hidden truth of the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna (PMUY), being touted in the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) election campaigning as one of the big successes of the incumbent government, is that most rural households with LPG (liquiefied petroleum gas) connections still use chulhas with firewood or dung cakes, to the detriment...
More »In Marathwada the queues are for collecting water during this election season -Meena Menon
-Mongabay.com * As the election tempo heats up, the Marathwada districts of Maharashtra are suffering severe drought. * The situation is made worse with the employment guarantee not working and fodder not available for the farm livestock. * Piped water facilities supplied by the government in some villages are not in use because of no water. The irony is unmistakable. In the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, which is in the grip of arguably the...
More »Uttar Pradesh's farmers split over cane, cattle and crashing prices -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Agrarian crisis has not dimmed Prime Minister Modi’s appeal The sugarcane farmers gathered around a tree-shaded charpoy at Bhainswala village, a few kilometres from Shamli town in western Uttar Pradesh, share a common litany of woes — late payments, high input costs, the stray cattle menace — for which most blame the policies of the BJP government. But when the discussion veers around to the Lok Sabha election, pandemonium breaks out...
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