-The Hindu Amid criticism from SC/ST panel, experts say project must continue Now in her late twenties, Veeramma Selvan of Thekkekadampara tribal hamlet in Sholayur gram panchayat of Attappady has reasons to believe that her gods have stopped smiling. It was in January last year that she lost her five-month-old, underweight son Balu — her fourth child — allegedly due to milk aspiration. (a medical condition in which the mother's milk goes...
Millets to be procured at MSP for public distribution system: Agri minister -Zia Haq
-Hindustan Times The agriculture ministry has started a new programme to focus on millets or coarse cereal production, mostly grown by small and poor farmers New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government has decided to include millets in the public distribution system for which it is procuring these grains at federally fixed minimum support prices, agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh said. The agriculture ministry has started a new programme to focus on millets or...
More »Govt eyes increasing millet output to 45 mt by 2030 -TV Jayan
-The Hindu Business Line Centre on a mission mode to promote these nutri-cereals New Delhi: The Centre is drawing up an ambitious plan to increase millet production in the country to 45 million tonnes (mt) by 2030 from the current levels of 17 mt, a senior Agriculture Ministry official said on Thursday. “The government would like to promote millets from this year onwards. This year has been declared as year of millets. Over...
More »Soon, real-time e-database of ration cards to weed out fakes -Dipak K Dash
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The central government will soon set up a real-time online database of ration cards and the beneficiaries under the national Food Security scheme to end any possibility of anyone procuring a fake or more than one ration card from any part of the country. The system will also enable lakhs of migrant workers to get subsidised foodgrains irrespective of the place from where the cards...
More »Aadhaar frailties
-The Hindu Business Line The SC interim order presents the biometric ID as a fait accompli for the underprivileged Last week’s interim order of the Supreme Court on a batch of petitions challenging Aadhaar may have provided temporary relief to a section of the population, but it appears to have simultaneously served notice on another section – a largely disadvantaged one — that the contentious biometric identification is something of a fait...
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