-The Hindu The Executive Director of Greenpeace India, Samit Aich, resigned on Wednesday following an internal review of the organisation’s handling of two sexual harassment cases. A note put on the organisation’s website says that along with Mr. Aich, Programme Director Divya Raghunandan has also resigned. The Greenpeace India Board has also decided to commission a full, independent audit of how the NGO dealt with sexual harassment cases to strengthen internal processes...
Cutting the Food Act to the bone -Biraj Patnaik
-The Hindu Two years after vociferously arguing for an expansion of the provisions of the National Food Security Act, the BJP in government is bleeding it with a thousand cuts, both fiscal and otherwise When Parliament passed the National Food Security Act (NFSA) in 2013, it had already become one of the most debated pieces of legislation in decades. Those for and against it had fought it out across yards of space...
More »Net neutrality: Government to make its stand public soon
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The government, after verbally backing the concept of net neutrality for some months, is all set to put it in writing. It is likely to make public this week the telecom department's report on the subject, which sources say will back the Centre's stance that the internet should be completely free with equitable access and without any obstruction or prioritization. The Department of Telecom report -...
More »Pool of experts on workplace abuse -Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The National Commission for Women has decided to form an expert panel to help institutions deal with complaints of sexual harassment at workplace after many organisations said it was difficult finding a "credible outsider" who could be part of their internal committees. At least one employer, who had approached the NCW for advice, said it was tough to decide who was credible enough and claimed that the solution...
More »Property: Daughter has share but father has will -Manoj Mitta
-The Times of India Despite a historic amendment in 2005, the Hindu inheritance law still suffers from gender bias. It is 10 years since the daughter has been brought on a par with the son under the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 (HSA). This historic amendment of 2005 never made much of a splash though, unlike other farreaching enactments of the same year such as RTI, NREGA and even the domestic violence law. The...
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