-PTI Taxmen have seized black money to the tune of a whopping Rs 30,000 crore in the country in the past two years, said the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) which is set to get investigative powers to boost its drive against wrong-doers. The CBDT is in the process of creating a Directorate of Criminal Investigation after getting approval from finance minister Pranab Mukherjee last week. CBDT chairman Sudhir Chandra said...
Net check by Rahul Matthan
The recently notified Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011, have set the cat among the pigeons. The Rules contain everything one would expect to find in a full-blown privacy legislation, with separate provisions covering the manner in which companies collect, disclose and transfer personal data. There is widespread concern that the Rules will disrupt the way in which companies do business...
More »Big Brother rules
-The Hindu Whatever the intention behind them, the new rules framed last month under the Information Technology Act, 2000 are likely to have a chilling effect on the development of the Internet as a medium of communication and information in India. Apart from the unreasonable restrictions on free speech they envisage, the rules raise serious concerns about the privacy of a citizen's Personal Information, including medical profile, financial position, and...
More »Ashok Gulati, chairman of Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) interviewed by Ruchira Singh
The chairman of Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), Ashok Gulati, is a well-known proponent of reforms and an agricultural economist with diverse experience. Prior to taking charge of CACP, he was the International Food Policy Research Institute director in Asia. In an interview, Gulati spoke about the urgency for initiating reforms in the agricultural sector and made a strong case for intervention to check falling wheat prices either...
More »Concern over impact of Internet control rules on free speech by Sandeep Joshi
“An attempt to give intermediaries the right to control content” “These rules give government the ability to gag free speech and block any website it deems fit” “Though there is no dispute on content monitoring, there are grey areas in the rules” Cyber activists, bloggers and legal experts are crying foul over the new rules and guidelines under the Information Technology Amendment Act 2008, that lay additional focus on content regulation and information...
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