-The Times of India GHAZIABAD: In a function here on Monday, UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav distributed laptops to about 8,000 students from Ghaziabad and Noida in the presence of senior party leaders. The students belonged to the first batch shortlisted in the two districts-including 5,598 students from 10 schools in Ghaziabad and 2,476 students from five schools in Gautam Budh Nagar-for receiving free laptops as promised by the party. Akhilesh was...
The Neglect of Health, Women and Justice-AK Shiva Kumar
-Economic and Political Weekly A report on the 2013 deliberation of the Kolkata Group at its 10th workshop which focused on healthcare, the status of women and social justice in India. A K Shiva Kumar (akshivakumar@gmail.com) is convener of the Kolkata Group workshops which are organised by Pratichi (India) Trust, the Harvard Global Equity Initiative and UNICEF India. At the 10th annual Kolkata Group workshop in February this year, 40 policymakers, development practitioners,...
More »Dealing With The Maoists -Chitrangada Choudhury and Ajay Dandekar
-Outlook The Maoists want a military conflict as it brings more adivasis into their fold. The Indian state's best bet is in ensuring that it wins over the aam adivasis to its side. May 25th's condemnable attack by the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army, which ended up killing and injuring over 50 people from Congress politicians to migrant adivasi labourers, cannot be understood without recognising the Maoist party's explicit political aims. These...
More »‘62% of Delhi-NCR households prefer organic food’ -Tuhin Dutta
-The Indian Express New Delhi: Around 62 per cent of high-income households prefer organic food due to rising awareness, higher disposable income and easy availability in the markets of big cities, a study by Assocham says. There has been a growth in the demand for organic products in metropolitan cities, especially fruits and vegetables, an increase of 95 per cent in the last five years. The survey titled "Rising demand of organic products...
More »Mandatory CSR in India: A Bad Proposal-Aneel Karnani
-Stanford Social Innovation Review Looked at from the perspective of the political right, and the left, and the center, the proposed law making CSR mandatory is a really bad idea. Companies all over the world are under increasing pressure to demonstrate that they are responsible citizens, with about 70 percent of large companies in Europe and the Americas reporting on their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Despite this, the very concept...
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