-The Indian Express The bench pointed out that several districts in the country had received deficient rainfall and a situation like last year could emerge again when delay in declaring drought had affected relief work. The Supreme Court Wednesday warned the Centre against repeating last year’s mistake and asked it to declare a drought condition well in time to tackle the situation better. “We are concerned about the approach. You should change your...
Delhi haze: When farm fires poison the capital's air -Kumar Sambhav Shrivastava
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: This winter season when Delhi’s chief minister Arvind Kejriwal pleads for votes in Punjab, the Capital’s residents will be pleading the neighbouring states for clean air. Each year, farm fires in the surrounding states raise particulate matter in the city’s air by more than six times the normal limit. The air quality in Delhi has already started deteriorating . Last weekend recorded the worst air quality in the...
More »In Punjab, politics over border evacuation -Vikas Vasudeva
-The Hindu ‘When there are no signs of war why uproot poor farmers when crops are ready for harvest?’ The Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party have severely criticised the Union and Punjab government for evacuating the border villages in the State without proper arrangements. They accuse the government of spreading panic among people. Punjab Congress president Amarinder Singh said on Sunday that the Union government was creating war hysteria and tension along...
More »In 2 yrs of Swachh Bharat, only 4 states visibly improved cleanliness: Study -Dhrubo Jyoti
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pet Swachh Bharat initiative may be celebrating two years with much fanfare on Sunday but just a fifth of the respondents in a recent nationwide survey say local municipalities have improved garbage collection or cleanliness. The study found the hygiene has visibly improved in only four states – three of them ruled by the BJP while the rest of India reported marginal or no...
More »More Indians arrested under sedition despite low level of conviction
Although the number of cases of sedition has come down between 2014 and 2015, more arrests were made in 2015 vis-à-vis 2014, according to a new report from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). The NCRB report entitled Crime in India 2015 Statistics reveals that the total number of sedition related cases that occurred in the country was 30 in 2015. The same document shows that the total number of persons...
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