-PTI Amid a raging controversy over alleged cheating of gullible investors by Saradha group, the regulators have found that West Bengal and North-Eastern states have become a hot-bed of such frauds and NRIs from these regions account for a large chunk of defrauded people. While the Centre has announced an SFIO ( Serious Fraud Investigation Office) probe into the affairs of Kolkata-based Saradha group and other such entities across the country,...
Corporate affairs ministry may order probe into functioning of Saradha group companies
-PTI The corporate affairs ministry is likely to order a probe into functioning of Saradha group companies amid growing controversy over the Kolkata-based entity allegedly duping thousands of investors. Corporate affairs minister Sachin Pilot along with senior ministry officials would hold a meeting on Thursday to look into the functioning of various chit funds including issues related to Saradha group companies. A senior official said the ministry is likely to order a probe...
More »Panchayati raj: Key to good governance and inclusion-Anil Padmanabhan
-Live Mint It's obvious that Indian experience with local governance is not what it should have been, but a change is underway Later this week, the country will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the constitutional amendments that made it mandatory for the creation of panchayats-the village-level bodies that deliver self-governance. Most may not be aware that this could well have been the eve of its 25th anniversary, but for the three-vote defeat...
More »The aadhaar of mass health insurance -Alok Agarwal
-The Hindu Business Line Technology has improved the poor's access to healthcare. India grapples with the issue of a major divide between the well-to-do and the lower end of the population strata. The challenge of uplifting the ‘below the poverty line' section of the population remains a challenging task. One of the areas which ranks high on this priority list is access to healthcare facilities. As is well known, events related to emergency...
More »Supreme Court and the aam aadmi -G Mohan Gopal
-Frontline It is the goal of social revolution that connects the aam aadmi to the judiciary and to its highest institution, the Supreme Court of India. By Prof. G. MOHAN GOPAL WHAT should be the appropriate mea-sure of the relationship between the apex court of a country and its common people? Should an apex court be evaluated by who invokes its jurisdiction, from which area and for what purpose? Is an apex...
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