The Goa bench of Bombay High Court stretched the RTI Act's ambit to the maximum when it ruled that a governor's report to the Centre about the political situation in a state could not be kept under wraps and ordered its disclosure upon an application under the transparency law. This has sent shock waves in the power corridors as the Union Cabinet headed by the prime minister relies on the secret...
Supine delay over representations will render detention illegal: court by J Venkatesan
Holding that procedural safeguards for protection of personal liberty must be strictly followed, the Supreme Court has quashed the preventive detention of four persons under the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act. A Bench of Justices A.K. Ganguly and J.S. Khehar, quoting a catena of decisions, held that in preventive detention cases, representations from the detenus must be disposed of expeditiously and every day's delay must be...
More »SPOs ban will apply only to Chhattisgarh: court by J Venkatesan
Bench modifies July 5 judgment, on Centre's plea The Supreme Court has modified its July 5 order banning appointment of special police officers (SPOs) in naxal-affected States and said it would apply only to Chhattisgarh. The Centre, in its application filed in August, sought recall of the order insofar as it pertained to references against the Union Government in paragraphs 75 (ii) and 76 on the ground that they were against the...
More »Anti-insurgency squad bar only in one state
-The Telegraph The Supreme Court today diluted its July order asking the Centre and states to stop using special police officers in their war against Naxalites or other internal terror, clarifying it would now be confined only to Chhattisgarh. The Centre had urged the top court to clarify or modify its July 5, 2011, order saying it would “hamper” internal security measures in states and lead to “chaos”. Besides Chhattisgarh, there are SPOs...
More »SC to look at denial of bail in VIP cases
-The Indian Express With the denial of bail to 2G spectrum scam accused becoming a matter of debate, the Supreme Court today said it would examine the matter of courts denying bail in high profile cases. The decision was taken by a bench comprising Justices Altamas Kabir, S S Nijjar and J Chelameshwar after a senior advocate argued that courts are not granting bail in cases that are “media-driven” and that “judges...
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