-The Hindu Fresh documents with The Hindu show clear and undeniable links between the sudden transfer of senior IAS official Ashok Khemka and his initiation of a probe specifically related to Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra and his companies, contrary to the Haryana government attempts to establish that the two events were unrelated. The documents belie the claims made by the Haryana government that Mr. Khemka acted on the Vadra-DLF...
Senior official probing Vadra-DLF land deal shunted out
-The Hindu A top official in the Haryana government’s land registration department was transferred hours after he initiated a probe into all the land dealings of Robert Vadra, son-in-law of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, in four districts of the State neighbouring Delhi, The Hindu can disclose. The transfer order came on October 11, 2012 — even as the country was still digesting the allegations made by India Against Corruption of a nexus...
More »Why was I transferred? asks Haryana IAS officer who ordered probe into Vadra's land deals
-The Times of India A top IAS officer in Haryana, Ashok Khemka, who was recently trasferred by the state government for allegedly ordering a probe into the land deals of Robert Vadra, has spoken out against his abrupt transfer. Khemka had cancelled the mutation of a land sold by Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law to the DLF and also ordered probe into the alleged undervaluation of some of his land deals. Speaking to Times Now,...
More »Inter-Linking of Rivers Dangerous Exercise: Patkar
-Outlook Patna: Airing scepticism over the inter-linking of rivers serving the desired purpose, social activist Medha Patkar today charged Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar with embarking on the project in the state without consulting people. "I am apprehensive about inter-linking of rivers serving the desired purpose and if it is so then chronic flood caused by Koshi river should have stopped after construction of dams," she said at the ninth biennial national...
More »Jayanthi assails investment super committee proposal -Shalini Singh
-The Hindu Proposed NIB would be illegal, she says Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jayanthi Natarajan has expressed “very serious concern” at the setting up of a National Investment Board to fast-track clearances of major infrastructure projects, saying the “concept is unacceptable,” documents exclusively obtained by The Hindu reveal. In a five-page letter sent to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on October 9, Ms. Natarajan said the proposal would upturn established procedures...
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