-The Hindu Under this provision, the AFSPA too will be extended At a late night meeting on Monday, the Manipur Cabinet decided to recommend extension of the Disturbed Areas Act (DAA) for one more year as the law and order situation stemming from the burgeoning armed movement is alarming. Under this provision, the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) 1958, which gives untrammelled powers to the security forces while dealing with the...
Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti opposed to cash transfer scheme -Vijay Pinjarkar
-The Times of India NAGPUR: The proposed direct cash transfer scheme of subsidy to beneficiaries will adversely affect 10 million tribals and poor people Vidarbha, said Kishore Tiwari of Vidarbha Janandolan Samiti (VJS), warning that if the scheme is implemented in Vidarbha, it will also cause massive deforestation. Tiwari has urged the Centre to suspend the scheme till its implications are not considered and legal status coupled with constitutional validity of Aadhar...
More »Bengal's starvation village back in focus -Sujay Khanra
-The Times of India MIDNAPORE: Three days after TOI reported on the plight of Amlashole villager Malati Shabar, the Mamata Banerjee government sent officials to the poverty-stricken village with food. Malati is the daughter of Somay Shabar, who had died of starvation along with her sister Sombari in 2004. TOI had reported on Saturday that Malati was also in dire straits and fighting hunger pangs. The government on Tuesday ordered an inquiry into...
More »Odisha Mining Corporation bats for Vedanta: questions rejection of bauxite mining proposal in Niyamgiri hills -Kumar Sambhav S
-Down to Earth Says Union environment ministry does not have powers to overrule Supreme Court which cleared the project The Orissa Mining Corporation Limited (OMCL) has questioned the validity of the Union environment ministry’s decision, rejecting the company’s application to mine bauxite from Niyamgiri Hills in Kalahandi district of Odisha. The company has said in the Supreme Court on November 23 that the ministry does not have the power to reject the...
More »Activists join hands to push ‘people issues’ with parties
-The Indian Express Nearly 50 activists and organisations are coming together on a common platform to lobby for “issues of the people” with political parties ahead of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. They include Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan’s (MKSS) Aruna Roy (a member of the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council); former NAC member Harsh Mander; Ekta Parishad’s P V Rajagopal, who recently led a march of tribals and others from MP to...
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