-The Hindu Kerala has the lowest MMR of 46, followed by Maharashtra with 61 and Tamil Nadu 66 Chennai: The latest Sample Registration System (SRS) data indicating the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has brought glad tidings. As per the data, the MMR (number of maternal deaths per 1,00,000 live births) has dropped from 167 (in 2011-2013, the last SRS period) to 130 for the country. This 28% drop is an achievement arising from...
Why are farmers angry -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express Behind the agitation, stagnant income and deteriorating terms of trade for agriculture New Delhi: Why are Indian farmers an angry lot today — stopping the supply of vegetables to cities and even spilling milk on roads? An answer to this can be found in the estimates of gross domestic product/ national income growth from the Central Statistics Office. The accompanying table shows two sets of growth figures. The first is...
More »Koregaon cuffs on editor, professor -Pheroze L Vincent
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Police have arrested five activists, including an editor, a professor and a lawyer, on the suspicion of being Maoists, more than six months after an attack by alleged Hindutva groups on Ambedkarities visiting a war memorial near Pune. Those arrested have Been booked under several charges, including the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. Pune police on Wednesday arrested Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners (CRPP) spokesperson Rona Wilson from...
More »Kerala's maternal mortality rate drops to 46, govt aims 30 by 2020 -Vishnu Varma
-The Indian Express Dr Venugopal, an obstetrician and secretary general of KFOG, said the state's health apparatus showed progress as a result of 'systemic actions' adopted by doctors and government officials. Kochi: Kerala’s superior health infrastructure and its advances in improving delivery care facilities and nutritional level among pregnant women have resulted in further reduction of the maternal mortality rate (MMR) (proportion of maternal deaths per 1 lakh live births) in the...
More »Sharp garlic price drop leaves Mandsaur farmers with a bitter taste -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Farmers wait for the Bhavanter sale window to close in the next few weeks as they believe prices would increase after that, like in the case of soybean Pipliyamandi (Mandsaur): "A few years ago, we used to say, if someone took a trolly full of garlic to the mandi, he might end up buying a new tractor on his way back home. But now it seems even the tractor that...
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