It is difficult to predict what denouement the spat between the Sheikh Hasina-led Bangladesh Government and Mohammed Yunus, the Noble Laureate, would ultimately reach but it has undoubtedly brought to the fore many pitfalls of the micro-credit system which has so far been hailed as a panacea for poverty alleviation not just in the Third World countries but in many developed nations too. It may be a bit unfair to...
Jan Lok Pal is no solution by Nitin Pai
Tackling corruption requires economic reforms and a popular re-engagement with electoral politics. We should shun the politics of hunger strikes. The idea of a ‘Jan Lok Pal’ is flawed and profoundly misunderstands the causes and solutions of corruption in India. It seeks to create another chunk of Government, more processes and rules, to solve a problem that, in part, exists because of too many chunks of Government, too many processes and...
More »Civil society’s unreal politics
If any citizen or a group of citizens is dissatisfied and wants to change economic, social policies, they are free to contest polls and take charge. To bypass this process is illegitimate if not downright illegal Finally Anna Hazare and his cohort have prevailed over the government. They have managed a position of equals on the committee that will draft the Lokpal Bill. This is not an unprecedented situation. There have...
More »Outside Democracy
In India, the fight against corruption easily becomes an alibi to undermine democratic processes and institutions. In the spurt of enthusiasm for Anna Hazare’s fast and the subsequent surrender to it by the government, what has been overlooked is the need for someone/thing like the Lok Pal to fight corruption. The simple point is that there exist within the Constitution enough processes and institutions to safeguard against corruption. The Indian...
More »Drafting of Lokpal Bill to be videographed: Anna Hazare
A day after he ended his 97-hour fast demanding a stronger anti-graft Lokpal Bill, social activist Anna Hazare Sunday said the process of formulating the act will be videographed and the procedures will be made public. 'The committee will start its work on the draft from April 16, the procedures will be videographed and made public,' Hazare told reporters. 'The procedure will be totally transparent, from formulation to the time after it...
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