Total Matching Records found : 5351

Of hunger and its eradication by Sadanand Menon

More Indians go to bed hungry today than they did on the eve of Independence 62 years ago So, more Indians go to bed hungry today than they did on the eve of Independence sixty two years ago. The per capita calorie intake, experts say, has dropped to what it was at the end of World War II. On top of it now, over 25 per cent of the country...

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Kerala fights clock in ASEAN free-trade deal by Ranjit Devraj

Southern Kerala state is known for the lush expanses of cardamom, pepper, tea and rubber that grow on its misty hills, and the bountiful catches of fish on a coastline punctuated by lagoons and backwaters. But a cloud in the form of a a free trade deal with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) bloc hovers over this picture of plenty. With the Indo-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA) now...

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Father of green revolution no more with us

World leaders have mourned the sudden demise of Norman E Borlaug on 12 September, 2009 in Texas, United States. He was 95. He is remembered for his role in bringing green revolution technology that increased food production in ‘hunger’ belts of the world during the 1960s and 1970s. His contribution to India’s self-sufficiency in foodgrain production is well-known. It is his work that earned him the popular title of the...

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Give Peace a Chance in Chhattisgarh

Many grassroots activists in Chhattisgarh are circulating a note among all democratic elements in the country to raise the demand of de-escalation of conflict between the security forces and the adivasis. They want lakhs of displaced adivasis of Dantewada be allowed to return to their villages and rebuild their ravaged agrarian and forest based economies. However, this time they also want an assurance from the state government on right to...

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Special courts to try cases of atrocities against SC/ST

NEW DELHI: The State governments will set up special courts to try cases registered under the Scheduled Castes and Schedules Tribes Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989 with a view to bringing down pendency and improve the conviction rate. This was decided at the end of the two-day annual conference of the State Ministers for Social Welfare and Justice held here last week. The State governments also agreed to strengthen investigation...

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